Sight Glass Wiper Manufacturers
Sight glass wipers are used with circular glass assemblies to keep the glass unobstructed and in full view at all times. The wipers are made of various materials, depending on the environment in which the sight glass will be used. For example, if the sight glass will be used in a corrosive environment, then a corrosion-resistant material would be necessary for the wiper.
While sight glass wipers may seem like a small component, they are essential for keeping these assemblies functioning correctly. Without them, the glass would quickly become shrouded in debris, making it difficult or impossible to see through.
- Vacuum Tight
- Pressure Tight to 16 bar
- Max. permissible temperature: 220°C (depending, however on type of glass disc used)
- Simultaneous fittings of Lumistar luminaire, flame proof or standard design is possible with the wiper SW ll BW, as is the fitting of a spray device
Design Features
- 100°C when using soda lime glass, DIN 8903
- 243°C when using borosilicate glass, DIN 7081
- These temperatures refer to unprotected glass (i. e. without mica protective sheet)
- If required by customer, and against additional charge, testing and certification can be provided to DIN EN 10204 3.1/3.2
Product Applications
- For manually activated cleaning, when required, of inside face of glass in sight ports
- Particularly suitable for pressure and vacuum, vessels requiring test certification both in explosion hazardous as well as non hazardous operating areas
- The glass discs fitted into the assemblies correspond to DIN 7080 or DIN 8902 standards
- Suitable for circular sight glass assemblies nominal size DN 100 - DN 200